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Join teaching and learning specialists, thought leaders and experts at the virtual OpenLearning Forums 2022 on 2 & 9 Dec.
Join Micro-credentials: Connecting Education & The Future of Work, a 1-Day virtual event together with academia & industry experts on 17 Nov.
Join Micro-credentials: Connecting Education & The Future of Work, a 1-Day virtual event together with academia & industry experts on 17 Nov.
Trusted by 250+ education providers and organisations around the world

Accelerate your course design
with OpenLearning’s AI Assistant

Get course activity and content suggestions for your topic and objectives,
in the tone and context you need, with no coding or IT skills required

Generate subject-specific content

OpenLearning’s AI Assistant harnesses the power of GPT-4 from Microsoft Azure’s OpenAI Service to generate engaging content, learning activities and assessments that combine your input with best practices in online pedagogy — in a matter of seconds
Specify your topic and subject area
Choose your preferred activity or content templates, and outcome to be achieved
Add the tone to write your course in, and the skill level of your audience, plus any other information or details to help generate your desired activity
Dashboard mockup
Dashboard mockup

Ensure integrity and quality

With the AI Assistant, you can ensure the integrity and quality of education, even when your students use generative AI
Fully developed and tested by OpenLearning
Course content and activities generated will be in line with active learning and social constructivism philosophy
Suggested activities assess "how" students learn, not "what" they know, with an evidence-based approach

Review and refine

You are always in control — choose whether to use the AI Assistant's suggested output, or edit as you see fit
Review the interactive activity or content, and widgets suggested
Use the AI Assistant to further refine generated content
Keep the final content you wish to add to your course
Dashboard mockup

Explore our suite of AI-powered course development tools for educators

Access smarter features that leverage AI and learning design best practices
to deliver high-quality courses and maximise learner outcomes
Course structure, curriculum and learning outcomes ideas and automation
Activity creation following various activity patterns
Module structure and activity scaffolding suggestions
Rubric design and assessment suggestions
Content generation, summarisation, transformation, and expansion
Suggestions for giving learners constructive feedback based on their contributions

Webinar: Harnessing AI for Next-Gen Course Development

Get ready to witness the revolutionary impact of AI on course design, development, and assessments, including demonstration of another game changing new feature - OpenLearning's automated thumbnail generator. Watch as we showcase the AI tools we've launched, now in action with tested use cases, and demonstrate how AI Assistant enable instructional designers, educators, and training professionals to harness the power of generative AI to cater their needs.

Get early access: Start our free trial

Harness the power of Generative AI for education with our AI Assistant, designed to support educators and providers in delivering the highest quality learning experience. Available to partners by June 2023.

Book an introductory demo today

Discover the potential of Generative AI for education with OpenLearning
Start your 30-day free trial
Create, market and sell your online courses through OpenLearning’s AI-powered online learning platform
Get started today
Enhance your workplace learning programs on OpenLearning’s next generation online learning platform.